Monday, April 21, 2008

Random picture that needs to be repeated in some form

Willy this picture is for you... lol. Love it! This is how most weekends should be spent while we are in Paris, laughing about what I am sure is nothing and hanging out in bathrooms. I can't wait to post pictures of this kind on the blog for everyone to see and be in awe at how silly we are.

Summer schedule while in Paris

May 27 First day of class
June 1 & 2 Free weekend; this weekend prob starting Friday would be best for visitors

June 2-6 2nd week of Regular class
June 7-8 Weekend excursion to Loire Valley
9-13 Class
14&15 Weekend excursion to Normandy
16-20 4th week of class
June 21 Day excursion to Versailles
June 25 Farewell Party

Now for those who are considering coming to visit or dream about it here is what you can do. Just come whenever, come on the free weekend, follow us on our excursions and pay your own way, or just visit us in the country of your choice!

Once we find out what classes we are going to be taking while in Paris I will put up what activities we are going to be doing on what days. For example if we get the 'The Art and Architecture of Paris' Day one we would meet on the left bank for class, Day 2 would be at Notre Dame, Day 3 the Louvre and so on.

I just wanted to say thanks to my Dad for financing my study in Paris and my mom for the transportation to get there! Any ways Love you guys!



this is the web site our program is from please look at the courses and excursions if you would like to, and COMMENT